Monday, March 07, 2011


So everything went great at my doctor's appointment last Friday. We saw our little sweet pea and his or her heart beating away! It was very reassuring. We told Colton that the baby was on "tv", and he said "baby?" and then asked for the remote!

It turns out that I'm further along than I thought. The baby was measuring at 9w2d, when the date of my LMP put me at 8w3d. I told the doctor I was pretty sure that I ovulated early in my last cycle, on day 12. But that still doesn't make up an entire week! After not getting pregnant our first month of trying, I started paying super close attention to everything once I got my period at the beginning of January. I wanted to see if there was anything I could do naturally to help the process along, and stumbled across the Billings Ovulation Method. You basically observe and record the amount & consistency of cervical mucus from the first day of your cycle to the end. By charting, you're then able to tell when your most fertile days are. I started noticing a change from a basic infertile pattern to a fertile one two days after my period ended, so I am almost positive that I did ovulate on day 12. The Billings Method is a little confusing to figure out at first (and sounds gross), but I highly recommend it. I always just assumed that I o'd midway through my cycle on day 14 or 15, and if I had stayed with that assumption, our timing would have been off. It's also useful for preventing pregnancy, too.

Anyway, the doctor did not see a need to change my due date yet. She said we would wait and see if the baby continues to measure that far ahead in the months that follow. After the ultrasound we met with her in her office to discuss delivery options. She told me that they will not induce a woman who has had a prior C-section, because of the risk of uterine rupture that violent contractions could bring on. So I'm not allowed to go past my due date, but if I go into labor on my own before then they'll let me try a VBAC. At this point, I think I've decided that I want to try a vaginal birth if it's possible. I feel so much better knowing that I actually have a choice. The C-section totally sucked, but for some reason I don't think delivering "naturally" will be all that much better either. I really don't want to tear down there. But I also don't want to go through another major abdominal surgery and be so drugged up I can barely hold my newborn child. I still have 7 more months to weigh my options.

For now I am just so glad that baby #2 is growing and developing correctly. God is good!

Thursday, March 03, 2011


I am so glad that it's finally March and almost springtime!! The weather is getting warmer already, and I'm daydreaming about taking walks outside and going to the playground with Colton. Almost all of the snow around here has melted... hopefully we won't have any last minute snow falls!

As of Valentine's Day, Colton is 2 1/2- that age every parent dreads. It's only been a few weeks, but I've already started noticing some subtle changes in his behavior. Not nearly as bad as when he turned 18 months though. That was like someone literally flipped a switch, and he went from sweet as can be to trouble maker. He is getting really particular about things, which is becoming annoying. I can't decide if it's just because he's two, or if he is really as anal retentive as his mommy! At his 30 month well visit, he weighed 28 lbs 3 0z and was 35 1/2 inches tall. Still only in the 25th percentile for both height and weight.

In other news, come this October our family is going to get just a little bit bigger. I found out that we are expecting baby #2 on Groundhog Day! The Groundhog saw a shadow; I saw two lines. I've been busting to tell the news on here, but Gregg wanted to wait until I was further along. I am excited for Colton to be a big brother, although I can't picture him as the older brother yet. To me, he's still my baby. Of course, he hasn't grasped the concept yet that there is a baby growing inside Mommy's tummy.

So far, I've felt worse during this pregnancy than I did with Colton. Nauseous, bloated, and exhausted nearly all of the time. Which leads me to believe this baby might possibly be a girl, if the saying is true. I would be lying if I said I didn't care either way. Yes, ultimately I want the baby to be healthy. But... it would be nice to be on the pink team this go-round. It would also be nice for Colton to have a little buddy though!

As of today, I am 8 weeks and 2 days pregnant and my jeans are already getting a little tight. I'm also starting to "pop" a little, which is only noticeable to me and the hubs right now. I may have to break out my maternity pants before the first trimester is even over. They say that you start showing sooner the second time around.

I go for my first ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. Gregg is taking the day off so he can go with me and Colton. I'm both excited and nervous. I have no reason to suspect anything might be wrong (all these symptoms assure me that there is a baby growing in there the way he/she should), but since Colton was born I've read a lot of horror stories. I was blissfully naiive during my first pregnancy, but now I know better. I know I am VERY blessed to have a healthy child, when there are a lot of mothers who aren't so fortunate. I will definitely be praising God all the more for another healthy child. I thank Him every night that he has given us another baby, and I'm looking forward to seeing how another son or daughter grows and develops. :)