What did I do this year to ring in 2009? It was really exciting, let me tell you. It included consoling a sick baby and watching the Next Food Network Star marathon. I know, you are all so jealous. I did actually manage to stay up 'til 12:00am though. Gregg fell asleep around 11pm, then at 11:59 he woke up, turned the tv off, and rolled over to say "Happy New Year" and give me a kiss. 11:59!! We didn't see the stupid ball drop, but I heard it wasn't all that great anyway.
So yup, Colton has another cold. He has been feeling crummy since Saturday night, coughing and sniffling. His temperature was slightly higher than normal for a couple of days also. He's getting better, but now I'm sick. Good times.
I'll be honest, I've been feeling the "Christmas Letdown" for about a week. You know, after preparing for the holidays, along with anticipating gifts and time shared with family, all of a sudden it's over and it's life as usual again. Then you have three long months of winter to look forward to. Yay. It's a lot like how I felt shortly after Colton was born; nine months of waiting and planning, and then suddenly all the responsibilities of taking care of a new baby crashed down on top of me.
I know we'll have a lot to enjoy and celebrate in the coming months, I do. Gregg starts his new job on Monday and that's exciting. We celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary next Sunday. Colton will be turning 1 in August. I'll be 30! Hopefully we can finally stop stressing over finances.
This new year I'm sure will bring it's fair share of joys, sadness, disappointments, and laughter. I'm happy to share it with my husband and baby boy. Speaking of my baby, here are some of my favorite recent pictures of him. Enjoy!
I love this one! It's like he's gazing out the window at the snow.
Look at those chubby legs!
My little reader
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