Monday, May 18, 2009

Weekend Wrap-up

I can't believe how fast this month is flying by. Wasn't it just April? Another weekend over, another week has started.

This past weekend was pretty nice. I got to spend some "me time" on Saturday. Gregg helped his brother dig a hole in his backyard for the pool he and his wife are putting in and suggested that I drop him off and take the car for the day. So Colton and I rode along with Gregg to the Bobcat rental place on the highway at 7 am, then I drove back home and fed/changed Coltie, put him down for a nap, ate breakfast, showered, and packed the diaper bag.

It had been a while since I went anywhere with Colton alone, so I knew it would be somewhat of a process to actually get out the door. When he woke up, I had to feed and change him again. We were both finally ready to head out just before noon when I picked Colton up and instantly recognized that familiar stench. Back to the nursery to change him yet again. I quick changed the stinky diaper and we were finally on our way.

I had to stop by Target to pick up a prescription so I figured I would do some shopping too. I bought Colton a couple of cute shirts for about $5 each and a pack of batteries which Gregg asked me to get. I had lunch there in the snack area while my baby happily ate Cheerios off of the tray on his stroller. Before leaving to meet up with Gregg at my brother and sister-in-law's, I gave Colton another bottle and did diaper change #5 of the day. I was very glad that he was so good at the store, even though the trip cut into his afternoon naptime. He did fall asleep in the car shortly after I got onto the highway, but I had to wake him up when we arrived at Jeff and Liz's.

Jeff and Gregg were not even close to being done, mostly because they kept hitting rock when digging. We ended up staying there until after 7 and having pizza with them. It was a good thing I had packed an extra bottle and diapers! After Colton started getting fussy, I put him down in his cousin Kate's room for a nap and he only slept for about an hour. By that time, he was overtired and didn't go down easily. He cried and cried so I had to hold and rock him before putting him in the crib. He did enjoy going in Katelyn's swing outside and playing with her toys for a while. Then at dinner, he was super cranky again. When we got home, I changed him into his jammies and he went right out. The two of us were asleep ourselves not too long after Colton.

The next day we didn't do too much, since Gregg was pretty beat after working outside all day and we didn't have to go to his parents for Sunday dinner because they were visiting his sister in North Carolina. We did venture out later that afternoon to look at an apartment for rent. It was in a nice area in a good school district, but it ended up being a third floor walk-up. With a kid and a dog, we want to avoid going up and down stairs as much as possible. On the way home, we stopped at a supermarket and bought a paper to check out more rental ads in the area.

It was really nice to be able to get out on my own with Colton and do my "bumblebee shopping", as Gregg calls it. It drives him crazy when I zig zag all over a store with no clear direction. He always has to have a well executed plan when we go shopping so we spend the least amount of time possible looking for what we need. It was also really nice to be able to interact with other adults this weekend! I miss that.

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