Monday, October 09, 2006

Weekend Highlights

Happy Birthday to my beloved hubby, who turns 30 today! I love you.

This past weekend turned out pretty nice. Friday night we went to Jonathan and Michelle's as planned. The boys "bonded" over the grill, while Michelle & I talked in the kitchen and she showed me all the work they did to the house. After dinner they showed us how to play a new card game and we played a few rounds, each one becoming increasingly aggressive as we got good at it. Then we just sat around having coffee & brownies and talked until after 11 o'clock!

I asked J & M how they were doing after the miscarriage, and they said they were bummed about it but were confident God was in control and still very much want a family. Jonathan explained it was harder in some respects because he's in a high-profile position at church as the young adults pastor. After learning how common miscarriages actually are though, they felt a little better.

Jonathan gave us some ideas for managing our finances better, and suggested we open an ING account. In the car ride home, Gregg told me he really wanted to do that and I said, "Um yeah, I suggested that to you about a year and a half ago, and you completely poo-pooed the idea!" He tried to say that I didn't have all the facts originally, but I said that I told him everything Jonathan did. "Well he said it differently", he said. Whatever.

Saturday we slept in until 9, which was lovely, then didn't do much for the rest of the day except go to Sam's Club. Yesterday after church, we had pizza and veggies at my adult Sunday school class leader's house. I'm taking the Crown Financial study series and it is suggested that we have at least two get-togethers outside the class. It was a great time and we both got to know some more people from our church. Afterwards, Gregg left to go back to church to set up for a concert, and I headed to WalMart to buy some more ingredients for the dessert I'm making for his b-day. While I was there I picked up a mushy card, too.

The lasagna only took me an hour and a half to make, and I had it out of the oven and was cleaning the last of the dishes when Gregg arrived home. I finished cleaning up the kitchen while he told me about his night. We put the lasagna in the fridge for the next day and then went to bed. It felt so good to be off my feet, finally. Tonight we don't have much planned, just a quiet evening at home. I can't believe one of us is actually 30! I remember when I used to think that was sooo old.

1 comment:

erin said...

Marisa! How on earth did I miss that you have a blogspot? Yay!!! =)

So, I skimmed over your posts and the Crown Financial study in this one caught my eye.

Matt and I went to one of their seminars about a year ago and we LOVED it. It has helped us tremendously and we are seeing God's blessings in our finances and in His help in getting us out of debt. In fact, we're going to be out of one of our "major" debts next month! It is truly amazing and I would love to hear your thoughts on things.

It is amazing how God works when we fully turn our finances over to him.

And happy late birthday to Gregg!

Hope things are well!!
