Sunday, August 03, 2008

A Letter to Our Son

To my precious baby boy,

You're almost here!! Your Daddy and I, along with grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends are anxiously awaiting your arrival. It doesn't seem possible that these past nine months have gone by as fast as they did, and now we are counting down days instead of weeks.

It's like I just blinked and it was August already, the month we've been anticipating since we learned you were on your way. Around the middle of December last year amidst the flurry of Christmas preparations, I began feeling just a tad bit strange. A home pregnancy test confirmed my suspicions: we were going to have a very special reason to celebrate that holiday! Your dad cleverly came up with the perfect way to tell our families on Christmas Day. Both grandmothers received as their last gift a small box containing a made-up back order notice, stating that one precious package was still in processing and due to be delivered on August 21. You were the best Christmas gift we could have given them.

Three weeks later on our 5th anniversary, we saw your tiny heartbeat for the first time and received our first picture of you at just 8 weeks old. You appeared as a tiny jelly bean then, but a few weeks later at another doctor's appointment you had already grown hands, feet, arms and legs! We saw you move around for the first time, too. At 14 weeks, we finally got to hear your heartbeat nice and strong.

On a rainy April morning, we had our big ultrasound and learned you were a boy. The girly girl, who can't stand bugs & dirt and has a closet full of pink clothes, found out she was going to have a boy. And I couldn't have been more thrilled. Already we could see your little personality unfolding on the screen. Everything measured perfectly, and we were relieved that you were healthy and developing just as you should.

It looks like you are going to make your grand entrance into the world a whole week early, being that your feet are still pointed downward. That's just fine with us, since we are so excited to meet you. I wonder if you'll have green eyes like mine, or brown like your father's. Whether you'll be an athlete, a musician, an artist, or if you'll tinker with technology like your daddy. Whatever you decide to be, I know that you will fill our lives with great joy. We're looking forward to watching you grow and experiencing life with you.

You are truly a miracle given to us by God, who loves you more than even your dad or I ever could. He created you in His own image, to be special and loved. I pray that you will have an abundant life and make the most of every opportunity. That you'll realize your full potential in God's eyes and never settle for second best.

Everything stands ready for your fast approaching arrival. It won't be long now before we lay eyes on our delayed Christmas gift! I can't wait to hold you in my arms for the first time and welcome you into our family.



audreybreier said...

That's so sweet...made me cry! I'm so anxious for you to have the sweet little boy :) I know you can't wait to meet him!

RecoveringCoffeeholic said...

Beautiful letter!

I went private on my blog a while back and then went public for a few months after. I am returning to private and want to let you know so that you could send me your email address if you want an invite. If you are already on the list or have recently given me your email just disregard this. I am posting this comment on everyones page. I just don't want anyone to be left out. Have a great day!